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All templatetags are loaded with the "livecomponents" tag library:

{% load livecomponents %}


Set "data-livecomponent-id" and "hx-swap-oob" attributes for the root tag of the component. It is expected to be used in every component template.

Usage example:

<div {% component_attrs component_id %}>
  <!-- The actual component content -->


Return the URL for calling a command on a component. The component_id argument is the component ID that is available in the render context. The command_name argument is the name of the command to call.

Usage example:

<button hx-post='{% call_command component_id "my_command" %}'>Click me</button>

Another example: passing arguments to the command

Arguments are passed as JSON-encoded object in the hx-vals attribute.

<button hx-post='{% call_command component_id "my_command" %}' hx-vals='{"param":"value"}'>Click me</button>


Construct the component ID, built from type and ID pairs, following one after another.

For example:

{% component_id "table" "primary" "row" 1 "cell" "x" as cell_x %}

will return



Return the ID of the closest ancestor component of the given type.

For example, if the current component is |table:primary|row:1|cell:x, then

{% component_ancestor component_id "table" %}

Will return "|table:primary".

Usage example:

This is useful if the component state is stored in the root component, and managed by it. Below is a contrived example of how you can delete a specific row from the table, assuming that the table state is stored in the root component, and the current component (a row) keeps its ID in the "row_id" variable.

{% component_ancestor component_id "table" as table_id %}
<button hx-post='{% call_command table_id "delete_row" %}' hx-vals='{"row_id": {{ row_id }}}'>Delete row</button>


Return the CSS selector for the component with the given ID.

Can be used to select the component in JavaScript code. For example:

const element = document.querySelector({% component_selector component_id %});

Note that the returned value is already quoted, so you don't need to add quotes around it.


Return a key that disables morphing for the component.

Random key is generated to prevent morphing of the component. See for more details.

Usage example:

<textarea {% no_morph %}></textarea>

This way, the textarea DOM element will always be replaced, not morphed, which, for example, results in updating the component state from the server side.